We've been delighted with the talent pool in the second series of the Emergence podcast. It is a rare privilege to hear insights from Simone Severini of Amazon Web Services (AWS), James Whitebread of the Royal Opera House, Rob Elkin of Rational Partners, Johan Jegerajan of PwC, and Steven Willson, CTO of Dubber. HOWEVER, it has not escaped our notice that the second series lacks any female guests.
It's no secret that there is a shortage of female talent in the C-suite, particularly in the CTO role, so we want to highlight those who are championing women in senior positions in the tech industry.
If you are a female CTO, TFD wants to hear from you to discuss topics such as sources of inspiration, challenges you face, and beliefs about the most exciting tech innovations of the future. Likewise, if you want to nominate a colleague, friend, or loved one, please get in touch with us today.
If we can inspire a future generation of female CTOs and contribute to rebalancing gender representation in the tech industry, that would be even more rewarding.