A quantum leap in sustainability

How do you drive the debate about quantum technology being a game changer for sustainability?
First, you make a documentary. To raise awareness of Oxford Instruments NanoScience as thought-leaders and innovators in quantum technology we teamed up with industry influencer The Quantum Insider to produce Quantum Technology: Our Sustainable Future, a powerful film with insights from across the quantum ecosystem including interviews with sustainability experts, representatives from big tech power players like Google and IBM, and start-ups OQC and PsiQuantum.
An online premiere for Oxford Instruments NanoScience employees (250 globally) created internal engagement and an in-person screening with OQC CEO, Ilana Wisby, included a fascinating Q&A session. Other activities in support of the film include an ongoing social media campaign and blog posts focused on content from the documentary.

Did it work?
We gained coverage in a range of Tier 1 tech and trade journals including ZDNet and Physics Today. The Institute of Physics asked to include the documentary in the reception are of its new office space in Kings Cross.
‘Behind the scenes’ interviews shared on LinkedIn and Twitter attracted more than 300 engagements from The Quantum Insider and Oxford Instruments’ social media channels, while traffic to the NanoScience LinkedIn showcase page increased by 107%.
The documentary can be seen on YouTube here.